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    News and AnnouncementsFind out the latest Boren Forum news here.Talking 2/18 Chinese New Year Lunch…by sfalatYesterday 11:53 AM 4197
    General DiscussionTalk with other Boren alumni and share your international experiences here. Armed Forces Veteran NSEP…by EmileYesterday 11:40 AM 74232
    Chit ChatA casual place to talk about anything and everything else on your mind.Thumbs up Free language classes in DCby sfalat01-29-2007 02:09 PM 76227
    Photo AlbumShare pictures from your international travels here with other Boren alumni!Arrow Boren Forum Job Fair and…by sfalat11-01-2006 05:15 PM 516
    Work Requirement Q&AHave a question about your NSEP service requirement or applying for a job? Ask it here! Passport Specialist Jobby sfalat01-31-2007 11:06 AM 52153
    Career NetworkingNetwork and find other Boren alumni in your field of interest. Portuguese & Armed Forces…by EmileYesterday 11:47 AM 53119
    Job and Internship AnnouncementsLook here for hot job and internship opportunities.Lightbulb Work at NSEPby sfalatYesterday 03:37 PM 108159
    Feedback and SuggestionsLet us know what you think of the Boren Forum and how we can make it even better! Facebook Groupby sfalat01-09-2007 09:54 AM 533
    What’s Going On?
    Boren Forum StatisticsThreads: 414, Posts: 1,036, Members: 875Welcome to our newest member, Leah
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